The MICROFIBERS series is mainly used in the leather goods industry, mostly for the production of soft and medium soft handbags.
Microfiber is often used to give the whole bag a better support and structure.
The strongest point of this material is its very soft hand feeling and its structure that is very similar to real leather. These wide variety and thicknesses; MICROFIBRA is generally suited to be combined with all materials used in the leather goods industry.
Besides the NORMAL version (without adhesive) and SELF ADHESIVE, microfiber can be supplied with two different types of thermo-adhesive:
TAG / S: Universal type thermo adhesive made from a mixture suitable for various types of leather, making it elastic and soft.
From low temperatures; It provides excellent adhesion from (90 ° C) to 140 ° C.
TERMO SET PLUS: It is a high strength thermo adhesive for oily leathers and synthetically treated fabrics. Also 4sn. It has an excellent adhesion on nylon based products using temperatures of approximately 120 ° C.